Saturday, October 21, 2006

Dow up, Housing down

Anyone else see the coincidense?
It’s quite possible that you and I are on the outside.
The smart money moved out of housing and back into the stock market.
I don’t believe however that there is near enough domestic cash out there to move the indexes this high.

Foreign money might explain why so much cash has flowed into a market that, well, let’s face it, is overvalued already. It looks like a sucker’s rally, a big play by big players to draw us in and take our dough.

Another theory would have it that this might be a coordinated effort to hammer the US economy – setting up US markets to drop in lock step with a spiraling housing market. This action is so big that it could only be achieved by foreign central banks.
Possible, but not probable. This kind of attack would affect the attackers as well as the world economy is now closely tied together.

It is more probable that we simply live in an era of greed and avarice where Arthur- Anderson style accounting is the norm and every baby-boomer such as myself sees nothing wrong with participating in it for personal gain. Just look at the wild speculation that led to the run up in housing prices.

With this in mind, ‘buyer beware’. There be monsters out there.



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